Cultivating Employee Happiness Using the Rules We Were Taught in Kindergarten

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We all know that a happy and fulfilled workforce is essential for the success of any organization. Happy employees = productive employees

But why are so many employees unhappy? Why are they treated as though they are robots? Have we forgotten the basic human rules that we were taught in kindergarten?

What happened to treating others the way you want to be treated, listening to one another, trusting each other, and celebrating our differences? 

Beyond competitive salaries and attractive benefits, employees thrive in environments that prioritize empathy, trust, understanding, and a sense of belonging. There’s a reason why people-first companies are excelling and employees are becoming more selective regarding the environment in which they work.

The Power of Empathy:

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Cultivating empathy in the workplace promotes a supportive and compassionate environment. Harvard Business Review studies show that empathetic organizations have lower turnover rates and higher employee engagement levels. Encouraging empathy through training programs and open communication channels fosters meaningful connections among team members. Discover how the power of empathy was accidentally scientifically discovered through a heart disease study on rabbits.

Building Trust:

Trust is the foundation of strong and successful relationships within teams. According to research conducted by the Great Place to Work® Institute, high-trust organizations experience 50% higher productivity levels and 74% lower employee turnover rates compared to low-trust organizations. Trust can be nurtured by promoting transparency, delivering on promises, and providing opportunities for open dialogue and feedback.

Understanding Individual Differences:

Recognizing and appreciating the unique perspectives and strengths of individuals is crucial for fostering a culture of understanding. Embracing diversity and inclusion not only leads to innovation and creativity but also increases employee satisfaction. A survey by Deloitte found that inclusive organizations are twice as likely to exceed financial targets and six times more likely to be innovative.

Creating a Sense of Belonging:

A sense of belonging is vital for employee happiness and engagement. When individuals feel valued, supported, and included, they are more likely to be motivated and perform at their best. Research by the Center for Talent Innovation discovered that employees who feel a strong sense of belonging are 56% more likely to stay with their current employers and are over 50% more productive. Learn more about how data-driven belonging drives successful teams here.

Struggling with how to cultivate this culture?

Personal user manuals are a valuable tool for promoting understanding and collaboration within teams. These manuals provide insights into individuals' work preferences, communication styles, and strengths. By sharing personal user manuals, team members gain a deeper understanding of one another, enhancing empathy, trust, and effective collaboration. Darren Muph, Adam Grant, Abby Falik, Ben Dattner, and even Atlassian also tout the value of creating a personal user manual. LLUNA’s version, called a POP, makes creating a personal user’s manual fast, fun, and valuable for your day-to-day, while also being grounded in leading research and best practices for teams.

And remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Creating a culture of empathy, trust, understanding, and belonging is an ongoing process that requires commitment and effort from leaders and team members alike. By prioritizing these elements, organizations can foster a positive work environment that promotes employee happiness, engagement, and productivity.

Remember, empathy and trust lead to lower turnover rates and higher engagement levels. Understanding individual differences and creating a sense of belonging contribute to innovation and improved financial performance. Incorporating personal user manuals as a tool to enhance understanding among team members can further strengthen relationships and collaboration.

Let's strive to build workplaces that our kindergarten selves would be comfortable in- places that foster empathy, understanding, and belonging!